Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Angels Amongst Us

Well as promised a little taster of my current project Dark Angels. So far I have the kits I need and the list I am building, but can't decide on Dark Angels or Guardians of The Covenant as the paint scheme. I really love the deathwing/ravenwing/dark angels colours, but at the same time I like the red robes and simple gunmetal armour of the guardians scheme.

So any ideas?

Anyway here is the list I have -

1 Belial, lightning claws.

1 Venerable Dreadnought with heavy flamer and plasma cannon.

5 Deathwing Terminators, 4 with thunder hammers and storm shields, 1 cyclone launcher, 1 apothecary with powerfist and storm bolter.

5 Deathwing Terminators, all with thunder hammers and storm shields, 1 cyclone launcher.

5 Deathwing Terminators, all with thunder hammers and storm shields, 1 cyclone launcher.

5 Tactical Marines, 1 flamer, sergeant has plasma pistol and melta bombs, razorback with twin linked heavy bolters.

1 Ravenwing Support Speeder, typhoon launcher, multi melta.

1 Ravenwing Support Speeder, typhoon launcher, multi melta.

1 Ravenwing Support Speeder, typhoon launcher, multi melta.

1 Predator, las sponsons, autocannon.

1 Predator, las sponsons, autocannon.

1 Whirlwind.

Total = 1750 points.

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